1st wings
Wings of Elf - Fairy elf
Wings of Satan - Dark knight, Magic gladiator
Wings of Heaven - Dark Wizzard, Magic gladiator
WIngs of Curse - Summoner
2nd wings
Wings of Spirit - Muse elf
Wings of Dragon - Blade Knight
Wings of Soul - Soul Master
Wings of Darkness - Magic Gladiator
Wings of Despair - Bloody Summoner
Cape of Lord - Dark Lord
Warrior"s Cloak - Rage Fighter
3rd wings
Wings of Illusion - High Elf
Eternal Wings - Grand Master
Wings of Storm - Blade Master
Wings of Dimension - Dimension Master
Wings of Ruin - Dual Master
Emperor"s Cape - Lord Emperor
Reigning Cloak - Fist Master
4th wings
Celestial Wings - High Elf
Wings of Elysium - Grand Master