Atlant1sCastle Owner
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00d 00h 00m 00s


Dear players,
on 27.9. 2024 at 15:00 has been started S6 RAGNAROK 4.

We bring you best experience playing MU online and unique PvP balance. Join us now and play with us!


Episode RAGNAROK is highly customized and optimized. Most of common bugs was fixes, a lot of new content was added. But core is still the good old season six.



Main version of game client, any modifications are forbidden! Run game with file EternMU.exe.

Client Downloads
ETERNMU Ragnarok 4.3.3
Google Drive
1120 MBDownload
ETERNMU Ragnarok 4.3.3
1120 MBDownload


Section Tools contains two utilities. Arial Unicode fixes text, if you see it another but english.

Visual Studio package use if you after run game see error "missing MSVCPxx.DLL" (xx=100/110/140 etc.)

Tool Downloads
Arial Unicode
Pokud vám nefunguje písmo, doinstalujte tento prvek.
23 MBDownload
Clean register
Doporučujeme použít pokud jste hráli jiné servery
1 MBDownload
Visual studio C++
MSVCP100.dll chyba
88 MBDownload
Microsoft .NET framework
Pokud se při kliknutí na launcher nic nestane, doinstalujete tento nástroj.
67 MBDownload